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Community Acupuncture

Community Acupuncture

We're here to help you navigate your wellness journey.

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Acupuncture for Everyone

The health benefits of acupuncture have never been more accessible! Community Acupuncture, or Group Acupuncture, offers shorter, more affordable sessions in a comfortable small-group setting. Treatments stimulate the body's natural healing abilities to provide relief from a wide range of everyday concerns, from back pain and digestive issues to anxiety and stress.

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Paid Group Acupuncture

Reservations are required. Learn more about pricing and registration options.

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Free Group Acupuncture

Walk-in service only — no reservations. Space is limited. Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the scheduled session.


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Community Acupuncture is available at the following locations:

What is Community Acupuncture? add remove

Community Acupuncture, also called Group Acupuncture, is a popular treatment style because of its accessibility. It occurs in a group setting, where participants enjoy their treatments and share a positive community experience.

Community Acupuncture can address conditions such as allergies, anxiety, arthritis, back pain, constipation, depression, headaches, high blood pressure, indigestion, inflammation, insomnia, menopause, menstrual irregularity, neck pain, PMS, respiratory problems, shoulder pain, stress, tendonitis, tension, TMJ pain, weight loss, and more.

A licensed acupuncture practitioner will greet you as you enter the Community Acupuncture shared room. You'll have the opportunity to relax in a recliner chair and to use the quiet atmosphere for reflection or meditation. As soon the acupuncturist finishes treating any clients already in the room, they will sit down with you to discuss your symptoms and wellbeing needs. In the group setting, all acupuncture treatments focus on areas of the arms, legs, hands, feet, and head so that patients can stay fully clothed. This approach effectively addresses many conditions, even when symptoms appear elsewhere in the body. Once the acupuncture is administered, you rest and relax for approximately 30 minutes. The acupuncturist will return to remove the needles and complete your treatment.

Before any acupuncture treatment, be sure you've eaten in the last 2 hours.

Community Acupuncture happens in a shared room with one acupuncturist moving from person to person every 10-15 minutes. Depending on your place in line, you can expect to wait 15-45 minutes before you are assigned to a recliner chair. Your acupuncturist will consult with you for a few minutes to learn about your condition before giving you acupuncture, which takes 3-5 minutes. You can expect the treatment to last about 30 minutes after that. Please be prepared to wait in line for your treatment. If you have only a short amount of time available, arrive before the community session to increase your chances of being seen immediately. Be sure to let your acupuncturist know what time you need to leave. Please note: If your name is called and you are not present, you will be moved to the end of the waitlist.

Wear enough layers to stay warm, and bring a blanket for warmth and comfort. Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows the acupuncturist to access your elbows, hands, knees, feet, neck, and head.

Your acupuncturist may recommend a specific treatment plan once they understand your condition and wellness goals. For short-term conditions, you might need 4-6 treatments in a shorter time to help resolve or lessen your symptoms. For some chronic conditions, an ongoing schedule of once a week or once per month may help you manage your symptoms.

Community acupuncture at the Y is for everyone, members and non-members alike. If you are not a YMCA member, you must bring a photo ID to each visit when you check in with a Y team member at the front desk.

A grant from Penny and Bill George and the George Family Foundation makes free community acupuncture at the Y possible. The foundation and the George family share our mission and passion for fostering wholeness in mind, body, spirit, and community. Together, we are improving access to health and healing for all.

Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before the scheduled community session. Due to limited space, you may only sometimes be able to get a spot that day.

  • When you arrive, check in with a Y team member at the front reception desk. If you are not a member of the Y, you'll need to show your photo ID for each visit.
  • After check-in, the receptionist will direct you where to go. Once you're in the space, please sign off on any consent forms and fill out the intake form.
  • When the acupuncturist is ready, they will show you to a recliner chair. You will remove your socks and shoes and tuck your belongings under the chair.
  • We ask all participants to turn off or silence phones or other devices and place them out of sight. If you choose to listen to anything with headphones, please keep your phone out of sight for the comfort and respect of others.

Community acupuncture can be a powerful experience. Our licensed acupuncturists set the space that creates a safe, inviting environment for community healing. To maintain this unique atmosphere, we ask for your help maintaining that atmosphere of quiet, focus, and trust. Please follow these guidelines to ensure everyone participating in your shared healing space is as safe and comfortable as possible.

  • Trust — Trust is essential in the Community Acupuncture setting. Acupuncture practitioners trust that participants will respect the space and maintain a quiet, focused environment that supports the whole group. In turn, participants trust the acupuncturists' expertise. Practitioners deeply value your trust, allowing them to offer the best care.

    The acupuncture practitioner determines treatments based on their assessment of your condition and wellness goals. Please understand that requests for specific points or techniques may not be honored. Different acupuncture practitioners may choose other treatments at their discretion.

  • Quiet — Avoid side conversations with other participants. Wait your turn to speak with the acupuncturist so you don't interrupt someone else's consult. Keep your phone on silent mode, or turn it off completely. When speaking with the acupuncturist, keep your voice as quiet as possible for your privacy and to preserve a peaceful space.
  • Focus — Acupuncturists use consultations to gain specific health information for your treatment, so keep the conversation focused. Due to limited time, reserve any feedback or discussions irrelevant to acupuncture treatment outside this space. Please email or call 612-465-0468 to offer feedback.

Paid Community Acupuncture must be purchased in advance to secure a date, time, and location. You are guaranteed a time slot; however, if you are late, you will only receive the remaining time of your appointment. Due to the additional costs of running Community Acupuncture, we charge a 60-minute small group wellness rate for our 30-minute sessions.

There are a few main differences between Community Acupuncture and Private Acupuncture sessions:

  • Time and Technique — Community Acupuncture treatments are typically shorter than private sessions. Private Acupuncture sessions allow for more extended conversations and treatment of more complex conditions. In a Private Acupuncture session, your acupuncturist may use complementary techniques, including cupping, Tuina massage, Gua sha, and electro-stim acupuncture.
  • Cost — Private sessions typically cost more than Community Acupuncture sessions.
  • Attention and Privacy — Private Acupuncture treatments occur in a closed room on a massage table. Because Community Acupuncture treatments happen in a shared space, all patients remain fully clothed at all times. In a group acupuncture setting, there's less private attention from the acupuncturist, and you might wait 15-45 minutes before being seen. Once the acupuncture is administered, you rest and relax for approximately 30 minutes. The acupuncturist will return to remove the needles and complete your treatment.

You may want to consider at least one Private Acupuncture session if you have severe symptoms or a complex condition. In a private session, your acupuncturist will have time to get to know you and your symptoms better. As a result, any Community Acupuncture sessions after that initial appointment will be more focused. Many patients receive Community and Private Acupuncture sessions in their treatment plan.

Dr. Ray Himmelman Le Blanc works with three Doctoral and master's level Chinese Medicine student interns. The interns will administer treatment with Dr. Ray's collaboration and supervision.

Dr. Ray also leads a 20-minute QiGong practice before the acupuncture session from 8:10 to 8:30 a.m., inviting everyone to join.

Qigong (pronounced Chee-Gung) is a movement meditation practice. Movements are coordinated with breath and tend to be gentle, slow, and rhythmic.

Regular Qigong practice supports flexibility and strength. It has been shown to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also help relieve pain and stiffness and improve balance.

Movements can be done standing or seated. All age groups and abilities are welcome. Previous experience is not needed.

NADA is a set of ear acupuncture points designed to support addiction recovery. The protocol is appropriate for supporting behavior change or treating withdrawal symptoms when detoxing from substance use. The treatment is helpful for efforts to quit smoking, stay sober, or wean off an addictive substance.

During Dr. Ray's Thursday sessions, you may choose to receive the NADA protocol by itself. Because it follows a quick five-point protocol in each ear and does not require a consult, there's often a shorter wait time for NADA as a standalone treatment.

If you receive the NADA protocol, you can still proceed with the complete Community Acupuncture treatment if time permits.

If you want NADA treatment, please note this on the sign-in sheet as you enter the community room.

Try It for Free!

Our FREE events are walk-in only and have limited space.

Check our schedule for more convenient paid options.