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Individual Guidance and Support

If you’re unsure where to begin your wellbeing journey, need support in achieving your goals, or need guidance in determining which wellbeing services may be best for you, health and wellbeing coaching is a great place to start.

Integrative health and wellbeing coaching provides a supportive accountability partner to help identify your current state of wellbeing, create values-aligned goals, and implement an empowering action plan for a healthier, happier you!

Certified Health Coach icon
Board-Certified Guidance

An experienced and nationally board-certified health coach will help you create an empowering vision for your future health and wellbeing, self-motivating goals, and action steps to move toward that vision through positive, sustainable change.

Your Expertise icon
Your Expertise Honored

Honoring you as the expert in your own life, your coach will create a safe, non-judgmental, and collaborative space for deep exploration and discovery.

Support and Accountability icon
Support and Accountability

You will receive ongoing support and accountability throughout the coaching relationship to foster growth-promoting experimentation and learning.

Personal Plan icon
Personal Plan

This is not a “one-size-fits-all” approach. Our coaching focuses on nurturing the unique things that make you who you are and co-creating a personalized Wellbeing Plan to achieve your goals, along with recommended steps to reach them.

What to Expect

Sessions are conducted virtually and have been carefully crafted to ...

  • Produce meaningful, long-term behavior change
  • Identify critical motivators, strengths, and resources for success
  • Uncover roadblocks for living with greater purpose and wellbeing
  • Create and implement a plan for achieving your goals
  • Develop lasting, restorative self-care practices
Purchase and Pricing

Learn more about pricing and registration for one-on-one services. Virtual options are available.

All first-time participants will be asked to fill out some paperwork. First-time participants must register for a 60-minute session.

Subscriptions and Packages
Scheduling Sessions

First-time participants must register for a 60-minute session.

Note: You’ll be prompted to log into your Y account if you are not currently logged in. Not a Y member? No problem! Be sure to click “create an account” at the bottom of the login screen to set up your free account.

Schedule launch
Health coaching consultation

Free Consultation

Explore your goals and potential next steps to greater health and wellbeing with a board-certified health coach at the YMCA. Start with a free virtual 20-minute wellbeing consultation.

Book here launch

Making wellbeing more accessible

The YMCA offers need-based financial assistance to help people access the programs that are important to them.