Online Registration

Online registration is unavailable for most programs due to our customer relationship management system (CRM) in March. To inquire about programs, please contact customer service. Water Exercise, Pool, and Racquetball reservations are not impacted by the CRM transition. For more information, visit our CRM Update page.

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Online Registration

Online registration is unavailable for most programs due to our customer relationship management system (CRM) transition in March. To inquire about program registration, please contact customer service. Water Exercise, Pool, and Racquetball reservations are not impacted by the CRM transition. For more information, visit our CRM Update page.

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Our goal is to help all families who qualify for assistance

We believe everyone should experience outdoor adventure. To make it more accessible, we consider your annual income and the number of people in your household to find a scholarship that meets your needs.

Applying is easy and confidential.

Scholarship Estimator

Check if you may qualify before submitting your application.

Initial Application

The initial application considers your annual income and the number of adults and dependents in your household. Scholarships are awarded for aligning with your circumstances. This initial application applies to all YMCA programming, including Camps. You will receive an email notification from the YMCA Customer Service Center indicating your initial scholarship amount.

Step 1: Create an Account

Create a Y account for you/your family. Add all family members interested in Y programs.

If you have a Y account, go to Step 2.

Create an Account launch
Step 2: Gather Your Information

Gather your income documents to upload with your scholarship application. Your 1040 form for the previous year is best if you file taxes. We cannot process your application without proper income documentation.

Please let us know if your family receives assistance through the county or another agency.

Income Documents file_download
Step 3: Apply

Applications are processed in the order received. We’ll review your information, and within ten (10) business days, you should receive an email from us with a decision. We will let you know if we need additional information.

Apply Online launch
Secondary Application

We recognize that Overnight Camps, Teen Wilderness trips and Family Camps stretch the financial resources of many families. The YMCA Adventure administrative teams and community boards raise funds annually to ensure these powerful experiences are accessible to all interested campers. We encourage enthusiastic campers to register and apply for a scholarship.

The majority of families who submit a secondary application receive some assistance.

Campers and Families who opt to withdraw because their scholarship award does not meet their financial needs can receive a complete refund of any tuition paid, including their deposit.

Step 2A: Reply to Email

If the initial scholarship award does not meet your family's needs, we encourage you to initiate the second part of our Scholarship process by replying to the award notification email requesting an exception.

Please indicate the camp name/location as your program of interest in this reply. 

Step 2B: Follow-up Response

You will receive a follow-up email requesting a narrative explaining your need for additional assistance. You will be asked to answer the following questions:

  • Please share the maximum contribution your family can make towards your camp experience.
  • Please have your campers share why they want to attend camp this summer or provide a narrative to explain why this experience of attending camp would benefit your child(ren)/family.
  • Please share any extenuating circumstances not reflected in your income documents (i.e. job loss, medical expenses, multiple campers attending Y camps, college expenses, etc.)

Each location will review these requests anonymously and consider additional scholarship awards.

Please Note: This review can take up to 14 business days. You will be notified of the outcome via email.

Volunteer Credit


As an additional option to reduce some of the cost of Camp, Camp Widjiwagan recognizes volunteer work with trip credit. This volunteer opportunity is limited to advanced campers (Explorer, Advanced Explorer, Voyageur, and Mountaineer trips) and financial aid applicants on a first-come-first-serve basis.

For each 8-hour chunk of volunteer hours an eligible camper submits, they will receive the equivalent of 'one day of camp' of the total cost of their session. The maximum amount a camper can earn is the cost of three days for a total of 24 hours of volunteering. Eight service hours is equivalent to one day, and not more than three days will be accepted. We do not accept partial days.

Download Report Form file_download

All kids should experience camp

Thanks to the generous support of donors during our Annual Campaign, we are able to offer scholarships to participants who need a little extra help.

Here to Help

Have a question or need assistance?

Our customer service team is always happy to help.