Online registration is unavailable for most programs due to our customer relationship management system (CRM) transition until early March. To sign up for programs or membership, please give us a call or join us in person. Water Exercise, Pool, and Racquetball reservations are not impacted by the CRM transition. For more information, visit our CRM Update page.
Our work is all based on our mission "To put Christian principles into practice that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all." These Christian principles being all the fruits of the spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) or really any other good universal principle. Our ministry is based on John 17:21 "that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
We acknowledge that in our YMCAs there are people of all walks of life. Our mission and the verse our work is based on, is all about creating a space in which everyone belongs, and we drive towards unity and thriving for all.
The YMCA was founded by a man named George Williams. In 1844 George Williams left his family farm and began a life working in the drapery trade. He found factory life to be dreary and desperate. He looked around and saw young men struggling and living harsh lives. He began to pray alone in his factory dorm, asking God what He wanted him to do. Slowly other boys began to join Him in prayer and the factory saw spiritual transformation through first, prayer, then community. George then moved to London, still in the drapery trade, but with a new goal. To win young men for Christ.
It was George Williams faith in action that brought the Gospel into London during the industrial revolution in 1844 and eventually led to what we now know as the YMCA.
We want to see prayer transform our Y, our communities, and our city again!
Pray that God would show us...
- The needs of our community
- How we can best serve our community
- How we can lead towards healing in our community
We want to an engine for community building. We believe that community brings healing, peace, and prosperity for all.
- Coffee
- Prayer
- Youth
- Small groups
Pray that God would show us...
- Who is not being reached in our community
- How we can best serve our community
- What are the current needs of our community
There are so many ways to serve in the YMCA. We have all sorts of events, programs, camps, and much more. We hope to invite people in to the YMCA to serve for the sake of service.
George Williams, our founder, began the Y by asking God, what are the needs of the people around me. We want to ask the same question, and follow up with service.
Pray that God would show us...
- The needs of our community
- How we can best serve our community
- How we can lead towards healing in our community
Want to learn more about our impact or have a question about a program?
Contact Noah Gulley, Director of Christian Mission at