Grown-up fun in Adult Sports Leagues

Get into the game with team sports

At the Y, kids don’t have all the fun—adults can participate in sports leagues, too.

In addition to having a great time, sports can help you:

Automatically build physical exercise into your week

Through practice and play you’ll get a great workout. Adding a sport to your regular routine of running, walking or cycling can help you cross-train your body.

Not only do you get the body benefits of working out regularly, you have built-in accountability to your team to show up each week, which can help you build fitness into your regular routine.

Work on your mental health

The benefits aren’t all physical. Participating in sports can be a great way to:

Expand your social network

Leagues give you a healthy way to meet new people, build friendships and connect with co-workers. Whether you’re new to town or are looking to deepen relationships with your peers, being active on a sports team brings a real sense of camaraderie.

Remember life lessons

Playing sports can reinforce helpful life skills like positive thinking, being able to bounce back from a loss, graciously celebrate victory, cooperating with a team and maintaining an openness to being coached.

Engage in Y culture

The Y is about promoting healthy living and building communities. Sports leagues deliver on both aspects. When you’re playing as part of a team, you’re encouraged to think bigger picture—the whole team plays the game instead of you sweating it out in the gym solo.

Pick up a sport you loved as a kid, or try a new one—get details on adult sports leagues.