Camp Icaghowan's 116th Anniversary
Camp Icaghowan was founded in 1908 on Green Lake (near Chisago City, Minnesota) and moved to Lake Wapogasset (near Amery, Wisconsin) in 1949 due to popular demand. In those 115-plus years, Camp Icaghowan has engaged and inspired youth to learn about themselves, each other, and the world around them.

On June 15, 2024, more than 125 alumni and friends celebrated YMCA Camp Icaghowan gathered to celebrate its 116th anniversary, and the joy was palpable.

Georgia Ellickson, the camp's Executive Director, radiated energy as she greeted guests. There was abundant laughter, stories, and lemonade shared as alumni celebrated the camp they will always love. And counselors (who finished staff training the day before) led activities and shared their excitement about the start of camp.

Alumni and friends embarked on self-guided tours around camp, bought all the latest camp merchandise in the camp store, and participated in camp activities like archery, throwing tomahawks, sports, and boating.

Guests also enjoyed a classic camp lunch of hot dogs, followed by a conversation with Georgia and Peter Wieczorek, a former director and current board chair. Marjorie Meffert also gave a speech about discovering Camp Icaghowan's incorrect founding day. She is why Icaghowan celebrated 116 years instead of 115, after all.

Following the talks, alums from each decade gathered to pose for decade photos. Groups from the 1960s to the 2020s were represented, and the event ended in the late afternoon so camp staff could get ready to welcome the first campers the following day.

It was a joyful, celebratory day and a great kick-off to the 2024 summer season! Congratulations (and thank you) to Gretchen Hoff, Peter Wieczorek, and the board of directors for creating a wonderful day.