What happened to Wallace Clark?
Helps us find him to win a $50 camp store gift card!

By Natalie King
Creating a “The First Directors” feature that would include the name, years served, and a photo of each camp leader seemed like a simple idea. After all, several camps have written history books. All the camps have passionate alums who are generous with their time and knowledge. I even have access to the Kautz Family YMCA Archives (at the University of Minnesota) and, of course, Google.
For the most part, things went well. I found six of the eight directors with no problem. But W.G. Carlitch (Icaghowan) and Wallace Clark (Widjiwagan) eluded me.
Finding W.G. Carlitch
I'd been looking for a photo of W.G. Cartlich for several days and had yet to be successful. I posted the question on the Camp Icaghowan alumni Facebook group, and Jenni Hollar, a camper and staff alumni from the 1980s, responded quickly with his photo. It turns out she was a much better researcher than I am. Thank you, Jenni!
Where's Wallace?
Despite my best efforts, I have yet to find a photo of Wallace Clark, the first director of Camp Widjiwagan. I searched, I visited, and I Googled. I made phone calls, sent emails, and dug through old boxes. I still came up empty. Nothing! No photos of Wallace Clark whatsoever. Is his photo out there somewhere? I'm not sure it is.
We need your help!
Do you remember Wallace Clark? Do you know somebody that does? And can you help us find a photo of him?
The first person to provide a photo (with verifiable proof) will win a $50 camp store gift card.
Please email us at giving@ymcanorth.org using the subject line: Where's Wallace?