If your typical workout clocks in under 60 minutes, try these tips


This is a common question and the answer really depends on the intensity and duration of the exercise. If you’re working out for an hour or less, these tips from Kim Braun, a personal trainer and registered dietitian for the Y will get you started.


The body needs carbohydrates for fuel. Before you exercise, foods high in carbohydrates will give your body a boost. Although pre-workout food choices should include carbs, they should be low in fat to help you avoid an upset stomach. You might also want to watch the fiber you eat before a workout, because fiber can slow down your digestive system.

Pre-workout snack ideas include:

  • Fruit
  • English muffin
  • Pasta
  • Cereal
  • Juice

Try to eat at least an hour before you exercise and drink plenty of water—two glasses 15 minutes before you exercise will keep you hydrated.


If you’re exercising for an hour or less, the only thing you need during your workout is water. If you’re powering through a particularly vigorous workout, drink eight ounces of water every 15 minutes.


Once you’ve wrapped up your workout, you’ll need to replenish the glycogen (found mostly in your muscles and helps you store energy) you used and start to repair any muscle tissue that you might have damaged.

To do this, you’ll need fluids, electrolytes, calories, and carbohydrates. Examples include:

  • Chocolate milk ( good combo of carbohydrates, protein, and fluid)
  • Fruit smoothie made with yogurt or milk (for protein)
  • Turkey sandwich
  • Protein bar
  • Water, water, and more water

The body is the most receptive replenishing your energy reserves within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. You might not feel like eating at this time, but your body will appreciate it.

Remember, these are guidelines—don’t be afraid to experiment a little with foods and timing to see what works the best for you!