YMCA Career Pathways Intern Application of Interest for Blue Plus Members
YMCA Career Pathways is a youth employment program for individuals aged 14-18. Participating in this program means that you are interested in learning about what it means and doing what it takes to be a young professional.

You will be committing to spending your time to exploring your own strengths and areas for growth, setting and accomplishing goals, learning skills that will help you to be successful in the work area you choose, and gaining real experience at a work site.

During your work experience, you will receive ongoing training experiences and support through your own personal YMCA coach. You will also have the opportunity to plan and participate in a service project as well as an intern celebration!

This form is the first step in applying to become an intern within the Career Pathways program. Please respond to the following as accurately and completely as possible.

Please email any questions to career.pathways@ymcamn.org 

***We are an Equal Opportunity Employer***
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Are you a Blue Plus Member with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota? *
What is your Member ID # so we can apply your scholarship for this opportunity? (Your Member ID # is located on your Blue Plus card) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Date of Birth *
Age *
Gender *
Race/Ethnicity *
Select all that apply to you.
Street Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Phone number *
Best time to call? *
Please indicate the best days of the week and times you would be available for a 15-30 minute follow-up call.
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Phone number
Most Recent Grade Completed *
If there is a specific Y location where you would like to be placed, please indicate that here (otherwise we will share with you the options available with a focus on those nearest to your named address) *
Check any and all of the settings below  that would interest you for an internship. *
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