• So, your child is ready for camp but you're not sure she is prepared for overnights away from home . . . .
  • There's a wonderful day camp that your son's school friends have been enjoying for years — it's in a park near your home . . . .
  • Your mother is staying with you this summer, and you don't want the grandchildren to miss an important chance to visit . . . .
  • The ballet school your daughter attends is offering a summer camp program filled with outdoor activities, crafts, and dance instruction . . . .

Day Camp Is The Perfect Fit

Benefits of the Day Camp Experience

Your child will

  • Make new friends
  • Learn a new skill
  • Enjoy positive role models
  • Help others

A Unique Experience — A Unique Approach for Families

Choosing the Right Day Camp for your Child

  • Is the camp accredited by the American Camp Association?
  • What training does the staff receive?
  • Is transportation available?
  • What about extended care before and after camp?
  • Will the camp provide lunch?
  • Are campers grouped by age, activity, or both?
  • Does the price include the full range of activities?
  • Are parent visits encouraged?

See more here